Customized Spanish Courses


"Thank you so much for the class. This has been a wonderful learning experience for me and I am so excited about learning Spanish."


Our customized Spanish course program is designed to assist companies in achieving their goal of helping their employees achieve Spanish language fluency.

We offer the option of coming to your worksite where we host a dynamic Spanish course for your employees. We also can conduct classes at our location during hours which fit your employees' needs.

Program Outline

The "Customized Spanish Courses" program offers

  • Pre evaluation to determine your company's specific Spanish fluency needs
  • Written assessment detailing Spanish fluency goals of company, course approach and teaching strategies, timeline, and syllabus
  • Weekly quiz assessment adminstered via email outside of class
  • 24 hour access to supplementary internet tutorials (interactive games, audio links, and informational aids)
  • Periodic student evaluation, assessment, and support
  • Achievement certificates upon successful completion of program by employee


Determination of Pricing Of Course

1. Number of employees participating in course

2. Current Spanish fluency level of employees.

3. Specific fluency goals (i.e. for employees to learn to speak to fellow employees, communicate with potential Spanish speaking clients abroad, etc.)

4. Degree of customized tailoring of course program

5. Level of urgency to achieve such goals (i.e. travel to another country next month, imminent arrival of Spanish speaking representatives, etc.)


For more information on our customized Spanish language program, call (408) 207 3075, or contact  


















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