Select Spanish program below:
Group Classes | Private Tutoring | Customized Courses For Employers
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Whether you're interested in learning Spanish in a group setting, through one-on-one tutoring sessions, or by hosting a course at your workplace, all SpanishAhora programs offer the following unique features:
- Maximum of 8 students per class
- Extremely supportive staff
- Dynamic and fun lecture
- Multimedia presentations and videos
- 24 hour access to a wealth of supplementary internet tutorials
- Personalized instruction and evaluation for each student
- Focus on both formal and informal Spanish
- Teaching of immersion methods that can be applied without traveling abroad
- Sructured yet flexible curriculum designed to accomodate pace of student
- Social and group events that give students opportunity to meet other Spanish aficionados
We are located in the Campbell
Community Center buildings at 1 West Campbell Avenue, Room D-41, Campbell, CA 95008. Our phone number is 408 207 3075. Our email address is